"It was always difficult for me to establish a relationship with the music of my homeland. When I was eight years old, my uncle gave me a cassette with the first movement of Beethoven's 5th
Symphony. He believed that I could like this music, since I was constantly composing little piano pieces - and this, although I had no lessons at that time. This cassette was my first contact
with European music. Since then, my heart knew where it belonged.
When I went to Germany, I was very grateful to have finally arrived in my spiritual home. Full of anticipation, I began my studies in composition, in which, however, I was soon signaled to move
away from my Arabic musical roots, as the mixture of musical worlds was inconceivable.
However, in the few works I wrote during this period, a kind of longing for Arabic music was constantly reflected, and I began to think about my childhood and my musical imprint.
Then one day Thomas Neuhoff asked me if I could imagine composing a piece inspired by the poem of Mahmoud Darwish and, if possible, containing Arabic elements. With great passion I started to
unite my different (musical) worlds and it was easier than I thought. This made me very happy."
(Excerpt from "Introduction to 'Joseph Lamento,'" which was written in 2011 and would be premiered at the Kölner Philharmonie).
Excerpts of current compositions
2017 "Don't give you up"
Composition for the mip-journal (Helbling Verlag).
2016 " In your hands"
2015 Parts of the district opera "Sehnsucht nach Isfahan" commissioned by the
German Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra Bremen
2012 Choral work "Ahlam" for mixed voice choir, world premiere.
April 2013 in Bonn
2011 "Joseph Lamento", cantata for soli, choir and orchestra,
world premiere on 27.03.2011 in the Kölner Philharmonie
2007 String quartet with mezzo-soprano, performances a. o. at the Palais
Wittgenstein and the Robert-Schumann-Hochschule, Dusseldorf
2005 "Je ne sens plus rien", quintet for voice, oboe, clarinet, bassoon,
and piano; world premiere at the Music Academy of the City of Kassel
2004 "Mutter", string quartet; first performance within an
art exhibition in Hann-Münden (Hesse)
1996 "Talj" for 2 voices, 2 violins and piano, world premiere at the
Lebanese television
2023 Masaa - "Beit"
2021 Masaa & Jena Philharmonic Orchestra
(Bernd Ruf)- "East West Symphony -
2020 Masaa - "Irade"
2018 Eternal Voyage - Live
2017 Masaa - "outspoken"
2014 Masaa - "Afkar"
2013 Masaa - Live at the Jazzfest Berlin
2012 Masaa - "Freedom Dance
2010 Eternal Voyage