singer composer crosser vocalcoach


July, 06 2023

video BEIT with Jenaer Philharmonie is out

our new video BEIT with Bernd Ruf and Jenaer Philharmonie is out
Conducted by Bernd Ruf / Musician
Recording Wanja Hüffell, Arne Müller, Andreas Lammel

28. 04. 2023

Masaa Album "Beit" out (incl. Video)

Today, Masaa ´s new album "BEIT" is out! Thank you Marcus, Reentko and Demian for all the intense work on this heartfelt album! Thank you Bjarke Falgren for your incredible contributions!

Dates masaa


13. 09. 2024 | Magdeburg| 7. International guitar festival LINK

14. 09. 2024 | Bonn | Beethovenfest | LINK
20. 09. 2024 | Insel Mainau | Jazz unter Palmen LINK
08. 11. 2024 | Monheim am Rhein | Monheimer Kulturwerke LINK

 09. 11. 2024 |Weikersheim | TauberPhilharmonie Weikersheim LINK





further dates


© 2024 Rabih Lahoud             ©Photos/videos: INEZ, Javier Sobremazas, Pavel Ovsik, privat

letzte Änderung / last change: 24. 07. 2024                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Suche (search)
