Born in Lebanon and at home in Germany, studies and double diploma in classical and popular singing, at home in Western and Arabic music - all this distinguishes me, makes me a border
A border crosser who always seeks and finds what connects.
I combine jazz with the Arabic language, I teach both classical and popular singers, and I compose works in which my Arabic roots flow and merge with Western music.
"The Arabic singing today"
In 2013, as part of my studies, I wrote a thesis entitled "Arabic singing today: peculiarities of language treatment and practical experience with singers of non-Arabic origin in the classical
and popular fields".
This thesis describes, in addition to a brief insight into Arabic singing, with its various forms and techniques, the possibilities of integrating Arabic singing into Western musical forms. In
this context, I have investigated on the basis of two vocal works how an integration can succeed and how this singing can be conveyed to non-Arabic singers.
In this context, methods of mediation were tested and presented, as well as experience reports of two choirs were shared.
My work can be downloaded here.
One focus of my artistic work is the connection of Arabic and European musical culture.
In compositions such as "Joseph Lamento" for solo, choir and orchestra, Handel arias in Arabic in collaboration with the Bremen Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra and numerous other projects,
including with Markus Stockhausen, the nature of composition and voice play a central role in bringing both cultures closer together to create something new. In addition to my own artistic
projects, I work pedagogically and musically with (children's) choirs to actively convey this kind of connection.
A fulfilling occupation is the interdisciplinary work between classical and popular singing at numerous music academies in Germany.
Returning to the origin of the voice - regardless of style - gives young singers great freedom to develop their artistic skills. This work is indeed forward-looking, because it is based on the
rich tradition of the two styles, but seeks the unifying and healthy implementation of technique to enable the serving of multiple vocal styles.